Cecil Medicine: Expert Consult - Online Posts about Download The Book Cecil Medicine: Expert Consult - Online (Cecil Textbook of Medicine) [Kindle Edition] from with Mediafire Link Download Link
Since 1927, Goldman’s Cecil Medicine has been the world’s most influential internal medicine reference. Edited by Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I. Schafer, MD, with associate editors and contributors who number among the most recognized and respected authorities in the field, Cecil continues to set the standard for all other resources of its kind. This dynamic, multi-media reference - with its practical, straight-forward style, accessible organization, evidence-ranked references, and robust online content - is quite simply the fastest and best place to find all of the authoritative, state-of-the-art clinical answers you need. Definitive, unbiased, evidence-based guidance is at your fingertips in print, with regular updates by Dr. Goldman to ensure that the content is as current as the day the book was published! More successfully than other resources, it lets you optimally understand, diagnose, and treat any medical disorder you encounter in practice. Its focused coverage nimbly integrates the latest developments in biology with current evidence-based diagnosis and therapy - including medication doses. A dynamic, masterfully organized format delivers fast access to the actionable information you need.
- Stay on the cutting edge with updates personally selected by Dr. Lee Goldman and regularly integrated directly into each chapter online.
- Simplify and expedite decision making with practical, well-organized, templated chapters that include evidence-ranked references and algorithms to make clinically essential information leap right off the page.
- Stay current with the latest knowledge and evidence-based practices. Comprehensive updates throughout include a brand-new chapter on "Applications of Molecular Technologies to Clinical Medicine," a completely revamped section on infectious diseases, and coverage of the very latest cardiovascular techniques and treatments.
- Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers from Dr. Goldman and an editorial team that is a veritable "who's who" of modern medicine - including Jeffrey Drazen, MD, Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and new associate editor Wendy Levinson, MD, 2009-2010 Chair of the Board of Directors of the American Board of Internal Medicine. Almost all contributors currently hold positions as Chairs of Internal Medicine departments around the U.S. and Canada and all are at the forefront of their respective subspecialty areas.
- Reference information more quickly thanks to a new, streamlined print format and easily searchable online access to supplemental figures, tables, algorithms, additional references, and expanded discussions as well as procedural videos, Seldom Asked Questions, and case studies.
Cecil - the best internal medicine resource available since 1927 - far exceeds the competition in versatility, ease-of-use and up-to-datedness.
Direct download links available for Cecil Medicine: Expert Consult - Online (Cecil Textbook of Medicine) [Kindle Edition]
Of course it's a great text...I've had many past editions of this behemoth. How great it would be to have every word, diagram and table on a several ounce Kindle Fire! I thought probably that all of the features included in the online version, including hyperlinks to the videos would all be conveniently included. Wrong...I found many of the charts and tables difficult to read. I found the search mechanism to be slow. I found no hyperlinks to immediately bring up any online videos or additional information. It's certainly convenient, just not up to what I think it could be.
By Michael A Sills
This is the first edition of a Cecils Internal Medicine Text on a Kindle. Still a lot
of pages, but the weight is gone. I have it with me on my Galaxy tablet at work everyday.
I have used it several times a week in the short time I have had it. It is as good as the
22 or so editions that went before it. Of course I have only been able to use 5 or 6 of the editions
in my 30 years of Family Practice. It is already helping me with my maintenance of certification.
I highly recommend the Kindle version. The price was very good compared to the printed 2 volume set.
Amazon had a very good price on the Kindle version.
Ray Callender MD
By Amazon Customer