You can download Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide Paperback – September 13, 2013 from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link
This is a well known textbook across the Atlantic, but UK readers may be less familiar with ti, even in its fourth edition. It is a handy paperback size...Nearly 750 pages are packed with fine print, in a multi-author text...I was impressed by the depth of coverage but, especially, by the topicality.
This is a well done, truly updated, revision...[A]ll chapters are modernised to include the latest diagnostic and therapeutic information...There is a new Anaesthetic and Paediatric ORL chapter, new work on transoral robotic surgery and, of particular interest to me, coverage of sleep apnoea. I have rarely learnt so much, in seconds of thumbing through a textbook, as I did reading about central sleep apnoea...[It] is ideal for fast access reference and revision on the flight to the exit exams! In practice I have opened this many times, picking subjects at random and found the writing style reader friendly throughout. --Liam M. Flood, FRCS, FRCSI, Middlesbrough, Journal of Laryngology & Otolaryngology (2013)
This is the fourth edition of a popular overview of topics in otolaryngology. The outline format of presentation provides an easy-to-read method to review the materials in a concise yet comprehensive fashion. The purpose is to provide a concise review of otolaryngology. Given the breadth of topics in this area, this book meets the objective of providing clinicians a compact source of quick reviews.
The audience is clinicians at all stages of their careers. Based on the popularity of previous editions, the authors have succeeded in providing clinicians with a credible and comprehensive reference.
The book concisely reviews rhinology, otology, laryngology, head and neck oncology, endocrinology, and facial plastics, with a chapter devoted to each division that highlights the most relevant pathologies, diagnostic methods, and treatment recommendations. This is a well-regarded essential reference in the field of otolaryngology. This new edition includes a new chapter in pediatric otolaryngology and continues to provide clinicians with easy access to a quick overview of the different areas of otolaryngology. Weighted Numerical Score: 93 - 4 Stars! --Kent Lam, MD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, DOODY'S (2014)
About the Author
Raza Pasha, M.D. Dr. Pasha is a Board Certified Ear, Nose, and Throat-Head and Neck Surgeon with extensive training and research experience. He is a sole author of a highly rated comprehensive review book on his specialty. To receive certification from the American Board of Otolaryngology, Dr. Pasha completed an undergraduate degree, four years of medical school, and five years of specialty training. Dr. Pasha has been published in many medical journals and completed research in many institutions, including The Cleveland Clinic, Texas Medical Center, Detroit Medical Center, and Ohio State University. His has also published a review book on Ear, Nose, and Throat-Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Pasha is a strong advocate for patient education. He believes that maximal therapeutic benefit occurs when patients understand their diagnoses and therapy.
Justin S. Golub, MD is an otology/neurotology/lateral skull base surgery fellow at the University of Cincinnati. He completed residency in otolaryngology head and neck surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle and obtained his medical degree from Emory University School of Medicine. During his training, he has completed research fellowships at the University of Washington and the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is the author of more than twenty peer-reviewed publications in otolaryngology. Dr. Golub's professional interests include regenerative medicine, otologic bioprostheses and medical education
Books with free ebook downloads available Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide Paperback – September 13, 2013