Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice Direct download links available Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice [Kindle Edition] for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link
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This fourth edition of the classic book, Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice provides a comprehensive, highly accessible, and in-depth analysis of health behavior theories that are most relevant to health education. This essential resource includes the most current information on theory, research, and practice at individual, interpersonal, and community and group levels. This edition includes substantial new content on current and emerging theories of health communication, e-health, culturally diverse communities, health promotion, the impact of stress, the importance of networks and community, social marketing, and evaluation.
Direct download links available for Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice [Kindle Edition]
The chapters in this book are either hit or miss. The book has some excellent well-written and informative chapters that really help you to gain a better perspective of the field and issues surrounding health research. However, the 3rd chapter reads more like a draft in need of several edits. It is rife with psychometric and statistical errors. Furthermore, the author makes gross generalizations about her own research that are not valid nor based on sound research practices. I'm shocked that the book could be full of quality work by leading professionals, yet have a chapter on that is on complete opposite side of the spectrum. The only thing that kept me reading the book is because it is required for a class I am taking. I would fully recommend removing ch.3 for the next edition, if the publishers asked my opinion.
By Kevin Linares
For anyone interested in theories of health behavior, this is the place to start. Some of the most commonly used theories are explained here in detail, and there is even an explanation for why the theories that are in there are included. However, sometimes while reading about the theories you wonder why there are so many words, when many fewer would do. Sometimes you might read a paragraph and think that you would have absorbed the information much better if, instead of that paragraph, you had read two sentences and a diagram.
Nonetheless, this is a great book to introduce you to common theories, and a great reference for a junior researcher working on intervention design or literature review.
By kmonkulus