The Physics of Radiation Therapy [Kindle Edition] Author: Faiz M Khan PhD | Language: English | ISBN:
B0050DHKNM | Format: PDF, EPUB
The Physics of Radiation Therapy
Posts about Download The Book The Physics of Radiation Therapy for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link Dr. Khan's classic textbook on radiation oncology physics is now in its thoroughly revised and updated Fourth Edition. It provides the entire radiation therapy team—radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, and radiation therapists—with a thorough understanding of the physics and practical clinical applications of advanced radiation therapy technologies, including 3D-CRT, stereotactic radiotherapy, HDR, IMRT, IGRT, and proton beam therapy. These technologies are discussed along with the physical concepts underlying treatment planning, treatment delivery, and dosimetry.
This Fourth Edition includes brand-new chapters on image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) and proton beam therapy. Other chapters have been revised to incorporate the most recent developments in the field. This edition also features more than 100 full-color illustrations throughout.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.
This is the tablet version of The Physics of Radiation Therapy which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text. Direct download links available for The Physics of Radiation Therapy [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 19776 KB
- Print Length: 592 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 4 edition (November 15, 2010)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #505,683 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #69 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Radiologic & Ultrasound Technology
This book is essential in gaining a solid grasp and understanding of the physic concepts in Rad Onc.
The language of physics is math and the book isn't short on equations. the figures and tables are well put together.
Currently going through a Dosimetry program , I can say this book is much more in-depth than the introductory RTT books out there, which are just that " Introductory" . You wont get a better understanding, nor comprehensive explanations from other textbooks ( and I've gone through a few)
By K. Hasan
It is important to note that one textbook will not be able to fully explain every topic in fine detail. This textbook used in conjunction with others serves as a good platform to build a solid foundation of understanding.
During my classes, I thought the author failed to adequately explain the use or derivation of formulas. Not until I began re-reading all my texts through did I notice that many of those longer equations that had no prelude were in fact fairly obvious if you knew the basics.
I think this text is worth having because it addresses a wide variety of topics in therapy and poses some very very interesting questions. One such question I love is the PDD graphed from tissue-bone-tissue v tissue-lung-tissue and proving why the graph looks the way it does. Understanding the graph is far more difficult than memorizing how it appears.
I stress not to rely on a single resource for preparing for your tests, but this text is a great addition to your library and will certainly help. When equations arise from out of nowhere, derive them yourself. The effort will pay dividends.
By EmanHavi
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