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“An engaging book with current and balanced treatment of all areas of child development.”
"This is a textbook that students actually like to read."
—SHAYLA HOLUB, University of Texas, Dallas
“Comprehensive but readable. Strong connection between research/concepts and how they apply to children in the real world.”
—MEGAN MCLELLAND, Oregon State University
“The cultural diversity representations and references are one of the major strengths of this text … and one of the major reasons I would select it. The content provides the essential basics for what students need to know and presents the information in ways that are relevant, contemporary in application, and backed by solid research.”
—KAREN PETERSON, University of Washington, Vancouver
“A very informative, high-quality, and classy text. It is exceedingly well researched.”
—ROBERT HILTONSMITH, Radford University
“The coverage of diversity and multicultural issues … is one of the strengths of the text and one of the most important reasons that I adopt it for my course on child development.”
—KRISTY BURKHOLDER, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“This text has the best coverage of diversity and multicultural issues of any text on the market.”
—DEBBIE LAIBLE, Lehigh University
“I love the pedagogy of this text—I wouldn’t change it. I think the features … are very helpful in breaking up the text and supporting student learning.”
—TOM POWER, Washington State University
About the Author
Berk has published widely on the effects of school environments on children’s development, the development of private speech, and most recently, the role of make-believe play in development. Her research has been funded by the U.S. Office of Education and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. It has appeared in many prominent journals, including Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Development and Psychopathology, and Early Childhood Research Quarterly. Her empirical studies have attracted the attention of the general public, leading to contributions to Psychology Today and Scientific American. She has also been featured on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition and in Parents Magazine, Wondertime, and Reader’s Digest.
Berk has served as research editor for Young Children and consulting editor for Early Childhood Research Quarterly. Currently, she is an associate editor of the Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. She is a frequent contributor to edited volumes on early childhood development, having recently authored chapters on the importance of parenting, on make-believe play and self-regulation, and on the kindergarten child. She has also written the chapter on development for The Many Faces of Psychological Research in the Twenty-First Century (Society for the Teaching of Psychology), the article on social development for The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion, the article on Vygotsky for the Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, and the chapter on storytelling as a teaching strategy for Voices of Experience: Memorable Talks from the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (Association for Psychological Science). Berk’s books include Private Speech: From Social Interaction to Self-Regulation, Scaffolding Children’s Learning: Vygotsky and Early Childhood Education, Landscapes of Development: An Anthology of Readings, and A Mandate for Playful Learning in Preschool: Presenting the Evidence. In addition to Infants, Children, and Adolescents, she is author of the best-selling texts Child Development and Development Through the Lifespan, published by Allyn and Bacon. Her book for parents and teachers is Awakening Children’s Minds: How Parents and Teachers Can Make a Difference.
Berk is active in work for children’s causes. In addition to service in her home community, she is a member of the national board of directors and chair of the central region advisory board of Jumpstart, a nonprofit organization that provides early literacy intervention to thousands of low-income preschoolers across the United States, using college and university students as interveners. Berk is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, Division, 7: Developmental Psychology.
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