Contributors xiChapter 1 Examination and Diagnosis 3
Case 1 Examination and Documentation 4
Walter S. Krawczyk, DDS, and Anisha K. Thondukolam, DDS
Case 2 Plaque-Induced Gingivitis 14
Nadeem Karimbux, DMD, MMSc, and Satheesh Elangovan, BDS, DSc, DMSc
Case 3 Non–Plaque-Induced Gingivitis 19
N. Joseph Laborde III, DDS, and Mark A. Lerman, DMD
Case 4 Gingival Enlargement 25
T. Howard Howell, DDS, and Maria Dona, DDS, MSD
Case 5 Aggressive Periodontitis 32
Nadeem Karimbux, DMD, MMSc, Satheesh Elangovan, BDS, DSc, DMSc, and Martin Ming-Jen Fu, BDS, MS
Case 6 Chronic Periodontitis 40
Ricardo Teles, DDS, DMSc
Case 7 Local Anatomic Factors Contributing to Periodontal Disease 48
Daniel Kuan-te Ho, DMD, MSc, and David M. Kim, DDS, DMSc
Chapter 2 Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy 57
Case 1 Hand and Automated Instrumentation 58
Helen Livson, DMD, MMSc
Case 2 Local Drug Delivery 64
Emilio I. Arguello, DDS, MSc
Case 3 Systemic Antibiotics 73
Ricardo Teles, DDS, DMSc
Chapter 3 Resective Periodontal Therapy 85
Case 1 Gingivectomy 86
T. Howard Howell, DDS, and Maria Dona, DDS, MSD
Case 2 Preprosthetic Hard Tissue and Soft Tissue Crown Lengthening 94
Guillaume Campard, DDS, MMSc, and Emilio I. Arguello, DDS, MSc
Case 3 Flap Osseous Surgery 104
Kevin Guze, DMD, DMSc
Case 4 Root Resection 112
Philip M. Walton, DDS, and Paul A. Levi, Jr., DMD
Chapter 4 Regenerative Therapy 123
Case 1 Treatment of Furcations 124
Soo-Woo Kim, DMD, MS, and Myron Nevins, DDS
Case 2 Treatment of Intrabony Defects Using Allografts 132
Kevin Guze, DMD, DMSc
Case 3 Treatment of Intrabony Defects Using Growth Factors 142
Marc L. Nevins, DMD, MMSc, and Vinicius Souza Rodrigues, DDS
Case 4 Treatment of Intrabony Defects Using Alloplastic Materials 149
N. Joseph Laborde III, DDS, and Giuseppe Intini, DDS, MS, PhD
Case 5 Guided Bone Regeneration 155
Kevin Guze, DMD, DMSc
Chapter 5 Mucogingival Therapy 165
Case 1 Pedicle Flaps 166
N. Joseph Laborde III, DDS, and Kasumi Kuse Barouch, DDS, PhD
Case 2 Connective Tissue Grafts 172
Ronny S. Taschner, DDS, and Jennifer F. Taschner, DDS, MMSc
Case 3 Free Gingival Grafts 179
Ronald M. Fried, DMD, MMSc, and Maria Dona, DDS, MSD
Case 4 Treatment of Mucogingival Deformities Using Alloplastic Materials 190
Helen Livson, DMD, MMSc, and Sarah D. Shih, DDS, MS, DMSc
Case 5 Frenectomy and Vestibuloplasty 197
Daniel Kuan-te Ho, DMD, MSc, Satheesh Elangovan, BDS, DSc, DMSc, and Sarah D. Shih, DDS, MS, DMSc
Chapter 6 Interdisciplinary Treatment 205
Case 1 Periodontics–Endodontics 206
Paul A. Levi, Jr., DMD, and Campo E. Perez, Jr., DDS
Case 2 Periodontics–Prosthodontics 217
Ryan D. Blissett, DMD, MMedSc, Kevin Guze, DMD, DMSc, and Robert F. Wright, DDS, FACP
Case 3 Periodontics–Orthodontics 225
Veerasathpurush Allareddy, BDS, MBA, MMSc, MHA, PhD, and Athbi Alqareer, BDM
Case 4 Occlusion–Periodontology 232
Mohamed H. Hassan, BDS, DMD, MS, FICD
Case 5 Periodontics–Pediatric Dentistry 238
Alice Y. Kim-Bundy, DMD, Howard Needleman, DMD, and Nadeem Karimbux, DMD, MMSc
Chapter 7 Implant Site Preparation 245
Case 1 Sinus Grafting: Lateral 246
Guillaume Campard, DDS, MMSc, and Emilio I. Arguello, DDS, MSc
Case 2 Sinus Grafting: Crestal 255
Samuel Soonho Lee, DDS, and Nadeem Karimbux, DMD, MMSc
Case 3 Socket Grafting 263
Satheesh Elangovan, BDS, DSc, DMSc
Case 4 Ridge Split and Osteotome Ridge Expansion Techniques 271
Emilio I. Arguello, DDS, MSc, and Daniel Kuan-te Ho, DMD, MSc
Chapter 8 Dental Implants 285
Case 1 Conventional Implant Placement 286
Samuel Koo, DDS, MS
Case 2 Immediate Implant Placement 294
Mohamed A. Maksoud, DMD
Case 3 Sinus Lift and Immediate Implant Placement 299
Samuel Soonho Lee, DDS, and Nadeem Karimbux, DMD, MMSc
Chapter 9 Preventive Periodontal Therapy 307
Case 1 Plaque Removal 308
Paul A. Levi, Jr., DMD, and Luca Gobbato, DDS, MS
Index 317