Preface vi
1 Triage and Assessment of the Emergency Patient 1
2 Monitoring the Critical Patient 9
3 Vascular Access 17
4 ‘Shock’ and Intravenous Fluid Therapy 29
5 Blood Gas, Acid–Base Analysis and Electrolyte Abnormalities 41
6 Analgesia and Anaesthesia of the Emergency and Critical Patient 52
7 Practical Laboratory Techniques 63
8 Techniques for Oxygen Supplementation 76
9 Nursing the Dyspnoeic Patient 86
10 Nursing the Cardiac Patient 97
11 Nursing the Acute Abdomen Patient 109
12 Nursing Urinary Tract Emergencies 123
13 Nursing the Poisoned Patient 133
14 Nursing the Trauma Patient 144
15 Nursing the Reproductive Patient 155
16 Small Animal Critical Care and Hospitalised Patient Nutrition 163
17 Nursing the Emergency Ophthalmology Patient 181
18 Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Resuscitation 189
19 Nursing Considerations in the Critical Patient 198
Index 209