NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) [Paperback] Author: Amazon Prime | Language: English | ISBN:
1451144539 | Format: PDF, EPUB
NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! Download books file now NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) [Paperback] for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link
This new NCLEX-PN review book provides both a succinct Content Review and more Q&A than any other NCLEX-PN review book. Each chapter opens with a Content Refresher, providing an overview of key information on each topic---it summarizes what is really important for NCLEX review. This is followed by high-quality Q&A, answers, and detailed Rationales, fully updated with the latest NCLEX-PN test plan. The book opens with a discussion of studying and test-taking strategies and describes the exam format in detail. Subsequent sections cover adult care, psychiatric care, maternal-neonatal care, care of the child, and coordinated care. The book also includes comprehensive examinations with answers, rationales, and client-needs information at the end of each answer. The new Graphic Option questions and Audio questions are also included. The online site provides 1,000 questions and answers in an interactive format that mirrors the NCLEX-PN exam. All the material is presented in the proven format of the Incredibly Easy series. Students will discover the stress-free way to study for NCLEX-PN. The format helps them actually enjoy learning, stay motivated, and improve their performance. Content, strategies, and Q&A---everything a student could want in an NCLEX review.
Direct download links available for NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) [Paperback]
- Series: Incredibly Easy! Series®
- Paperback: 688 pages
- Publisher: LWW; Pap/Psc edition (April 25, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1451144539
- ISBN-13: 978-1451144536
- Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.4 x 1.3 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #57,301 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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NCLEX-PN Q&A Plus! Made Incredibly Easy! Download
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